How to Be Fossilized
how to be fossilized
first, you need to be small
and buried completely.
for a million years,
you cannot be touched.
not by the sun, not by water,
not by scared animals or hunger or wind.
the ground needs to be airless
and glittering with iron,
and you?
you have to be carbon in its mouth.
and listen, no matter what,
you have to be complete.
you cannot be afraid
of being split.
not by earthquakes, not by tree roots,
not by landslides or undoing ice.
not by fire, not by furrows
by pressed new mountains or human hands.
no, you are the right place & the right time
and you are there, beneath it all,
when the wind decides to just
undress the earth, only a strap off a shoulder,
and there you are –
like a body sculpted into marble stone —
your once-living hair and fur and petrified teeth
suddenly, a physical miracle,
& seen.