Stampede on Speedway: The 2023 Longhorn Run
UT students take to the streets for the 13th annual Longhorn Run.
Mother Nature: Co-therapist
Research shows that spending time in nature can reduce anxiety, depression and blood pressure, while improving mood, productivity and focus.
Ideas and Innovation in Food at SXSW
Aside from music and film, food and its industry’s future was the subject of a 2023 South by Southwest event.
Austinites Catch a Runner’s High
As the sun peeked through the buildings surrounding the intersection of South Congress Ave. and West Second St., 18,000 runners stood at attention.
Trash to Treasure: Making Sustainable Fashion Free
Trash to Treasure (T2T) hosted its first ever clothing swap in collaboration with the University Fashion Group in Mary E. Gearing Hall Feb. 8. Students explored the tables of textiles, searching for the perfect items to swap with their own used clothes.
Pájaro Graznido — Squawk Bird
In a 2021 article for Texas Highways, novelist Edward Carey said their call seems man-made, artificial and sounds like, “the loud and unwelcome shrieks of rusty machinery."
Austin City Limits Waste at Festival
Austin City Limits (ACL), one of the biggest music festivals in the country, takes place here every fall and with it brings tons of waste.
Puptopia — Dogs of Austin
Mueller Lake Park hosted the 2022 Puptopia Festival Oct. 29 — a celebration of the companionship between dogs and their owners.
Look Out Above - Travis Audubon Society
In a sudden blur of movement, blue-jays swarmed the sky above where Cheney and I stood. Stunned by the marvel of what happened, we looked up at the trees to find five or six birds bending their necks as they listened to bird calls emanating from the phone in my hand.
Diving to a New Comfort Zone
A lifetime of breathing could’ve never prepared me for SCUBA diving. The autonomy of walking and breathing gets thrown out the window once you dip your toes into the grander world of water.
Cast & Blast: Opening Weekend in the Heart of Texas
In the late afternoon heat, soft thumps from distant shotguns can be heard throughout the rolling hills of South and Central Texas.
Welcome Back
Welcome back, Longhorns! Our first day back to school was complicated by nearly four inches of rainfall making it Austin’s “rainiest day of 2022.” Thankfully the rain subsided by Friday, and chants and cheers erupted from a celebratory wampus; week one, done and dusted.
Raasin in the Sun: Artists Keeping Austin Beautiful
The local Austin art organization Raasin in the Sun engages in the critical work of teaching Austinites how to remember their connections to nature and their communities through mural artwork around town.
Rethinking Shutter Speed: Towards Thoughtful Wilderness Photography
Rose Marin urges Drift readers to think about the environmental impact of photography.
Climbing on the Cheap: Deep Water Solo Climbing at Pace Bend Park
Drift Magazine Editor-in-Chief Rushton Skinner gives readers a how-to on deep water solo climbing.
Meet the BEEVO Beekeeping Society: The Longhorns Protecting Austin’s Pollinators
The BEEVO Beekeeping Society is a student-run organization at the University of Texas at Austin whose mission is to fight for a greener globe by practicing sustainable beekeeping and advocating for local pollinators.
Foraging for Feelings at Festival Beach Food Forest; Austin’s Urban Farm
The Festival Beach Food Forest provides a community space where Austinites can meet one another and cultivate their connection to the Earth. The Food Forest also focuses on agricultural education and increasing accessibility to food.
Top 10 Nature Documentaries
Staff Writer Cheney Stephenson reviews his Top 10 nature documentaries.
Dogs of Zilker
Drift staffer Lauren Jones captures some of Austin’s most infamous inhabitants in one of our favorite spots— Zilker Park.
Indigenous Impacts
By using nature as a source of medicine and isolation, the Yanomami make the most of their environment without exploiting it. As outsiders, we must do our part to prevent land exploitation and unwanted intervention to allow for the indigenous to prosper.